Generate commission and subscription revenues from multiple vendors
Take advantage of the proven business model by Amazon, Lazada and Ali Express, and more. Start offering consumers with wide variety of products from different vendors.
Earn more commission from each product sale. Monetize further through subscription plans.
Grow your online business
Get multiple vendors to sell products and manage orders in your ecommerce website. Use tier-building membership options, vendor schedule payments, custom compensation schemes and bring your business to a whole new height.
Lesser work
Let your sellers handle their own orders and inventory. Give more control over pricing and shipping matter, so that you can focus on more important tasks to deliver greater value to your customers. Get insights into what your vendors are selling through comprehensive reporting.
Multivendor subscription
Take advantage of vendor subscription option and generate recurring revenues. Create different subscription plans for vendors and differentiate them through vendor capabilities.
Ready to launch a Lazada-like marketplace?
We offer full-lifecycle multi-vendor marketplace solution with global operation capability.
Let’s get it touch and find out how we can help you with your multi-vendor marketplace journey.